Two Healthy Salads

Last Sunday I went to Sprouts and filled my fridge with only produce. I told myself, for an entire week, I would only eat salads and vegetables. Well... that only lasted about 3 days! I know, I know, I didn't meet my goal, but I think I'm getting there.

Since I've been back from Thailand, I feel like I haven't been as strict with my eating habits as I should be (I've eaten burgers twice in one week!). But what I did come up with in those 3 days of clean eating, were two really fantastic salads (and even better dressing).

Quinoa & Sweet Potato Detox Salad
Okay, what?!? Quinoa and sweet potatoes in a salad. My answer is, absolutely. Especially the sweet potato. This salad has various vegetables including: red leaf lettuce, white cabbage, green onions, carrot, red pepper, lemon, chick peas, quinoa, and sweet potato.

The dressing has 1/2 squeezed fresh lemon juice, 1 tbsp minced scallions, 2 tbsp olive oil, 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp dijon mustard, and salt and pepper to taste. Put all ingredients in cup or bowl first, mix, and dress your salad.

Blueberry Balsamic Flaxseed Salad
So this one might look a little weirder, but trust me, it was fantastic. The rice cheese was a little different for the dressing I made (so you can omit that ingredient), but it was really tasty no lie.

The vegetables are similar to above. What I did was prepare most things, like cut/wash the lettuces and cabbage on Sunday and use for the week, which actually works really well to staying on track. Vegetables are: red leaf lettuce, again, cabbage, diced onion, red pepper, sliced cucumber, topped with fresh blueberries, and flaxseed.

The dressing has: 1 handful of blueberries, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1-2 tbsp fig balsamic vinegar (or you could use regular), 1 tsp minced garlic, 1 tsp minced ginger. In a cup or bowl, mix all ingredients and mash the blueberries!

I was really impressed with how quick and easy these salads were. Especially since I prepared most items beforehand and saved them through the week-- well, at least for 3 days!

But it's time to get back on track now...

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