Thursday, March 20, 2014

Eat More Rabbit Food

I tried something new the other day. I wanted to really focus in on what I was putting in my body and how much of it I was putting in there. So for one full day, I used my brand new Lunchbot as a guidance for how much food to eat per meal. Since the boxes are pretty small, it was perfect for portion control.
I also, referred to the Rabbit Food for my Bunny Teeth food pyramid when planning out my meals. I obviously love making extravagant and out of the box meals, so I wouldn't do this every day, but it was really easy to follow. If you are in need of a day or a week to get yourself and your meals on track, I HIGHLY recommend this method.

First, she outlines what you should be eating each meal. And then she goes more in depth with examples of what each food is.
Here's what I made last Tuesday:

From left to right
Compartment 1: Cooked egg white with a small amount of rice cheese, with a pinch of hemp and flax seeds. Also 1 1/2 tsp of raw cashew butter.
Compartment 2: Black rice with unsweetened coconut flakes, topped with dried dates.
Compartment 3: Pear slices.

From left to right
Compartment 1: Slices of whole wheat, gluten free bread.
Compartment 2: Avocado slices.
Compartment 3: Carrot matchstick slices with a hard-boiled egg.
I was in the mood for soda, so in our work kitchen, I got soda water and mixed some cranberry juice with it.
From left to right
Compartment 1: Fresh sweet potato topped with cinnamon. Also, some freshly boiled spinach seasoned with salt.
Compartment 2: The same black rice and coconut from breakfast (it was easier than making a new who grain). Also, some canned pinto beans seasoned with salt and pepper.
Compartment 3: Sliced avocados.

For a snack (which I forgot to take a picture), I had sliced apples, with cashew butter, 1/2 of an English muffin and some cheese.

All in all, it was a great day for food. Whatever could fit in the Lunchbot, I ate- if it didn't fit, it didn't go in my mouth. I think that's a pretty good rule, no?

Anyway, check out the pyramid, and get your Lunchbot (or a lunchbox with compartments). It will change your life.

1 comment:

  1. Great rule. But I think I would starve. It would take awhile for me to get to the level of little bits of eating like you.
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